Hikari Nakashima(中島光) 应用

Read Korean game Hangul punch 1.5.8
I want to follow the Korean star'stweets!But , I can not understand ..Hangul characters .I can not read completely ...For such myself, I made​​!It's "Practice mode " to practice the basic Hangul characters oneby one.You will master the configuration of the Hangul characters by thismode!When you master the structure of a character , you will want to beable to read the word !At that time, please challenge " bout mode" to play against therival!In the " bout mode " , the words of food relationship willappear.If you do not master reading of a word, you can not win thebout!Now, Let's master the Korean characters in boxing !Then, I become a follower of Korean star , I'll catch completelyup-to-date information !< How to Play >Hangul characters are displayed on the screen .Select a hangeul punch.If it is correct , punch will hit! Great!When wrong in the bout, counter will hit you!If you understand the structure of a character, then you canpunch!Do your best!
Learning English Deltoko! 1.0.3
This is the app to study English. It is for Japanese student. ・Youcan learn English of High school entrance examination. ・The App has350 questions. ・It is able to listen the pronunciation of sentence.This app is available for free with sponsor's Ad displayed.
This is the game that enable you to master the Kanji commonly foundin Japanese everyday life. < How to play > You are "Goro"dog. Goro is driving bike on the seaside road. Then, the motorcyclegang of cat "Goneko" coming to disturb. Goneko will come out thequestion of Kanji. Pick the correct answer, let's aim at the goal.And, please be careful about the fuel. Please enjoy!
Multiplication Jump [Free] 1.0.9
You can master easily multiplication with competition! Climb in thejump, the towering cliffs in front of you! goal before the rival!Please have a good look at the numbers written on the rock. And,trying to jump in order to be a multiplication. Defeat the rival ofthree, the man standing on the top of the multiplication is you!Once you master the 9 multiplied by 9,Let the challenge to 19 × 19!People that this can be, is few even an adult. Surprise everyone!・This app is available for free with sponsor's ad displayed . ・Ifyou don't want the ads, I recommend the paid version that doesn'tdisplay advertising.
さんすう名人 1.0.2
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
小学校でさんすうを習い始めたキラリちゃん。 早速、帰って愛犬ジョンにもさんすうを教えることにしました。ジョンはさんすうができるようになるでしょうか。 ・問題はジョンにもわかるように3択で答えます。・練習を毎日続けるとジョンを飾るアイテムが出くるのでがんばりましょう! ・上手になったら近所のライバル犬に対決してみよう!・4つの記録を保存できるので、みんなで仲良くチャレンジしてみてください。
learn KANJI by body Hit [Free] 1.0.4
Game to learn the stroke order of 'kanji' while body hit the wall.To see written on the wall that appear in front of the 'kanji', toselect the correct stroke order, let the body hit the plunge! Ifyou select the correct stroke order of 'kanji', the wall can beproceeding to crumbling. On the other hand, if you select thestroke order wrong, the wall is not broken, get hurt. Toward thegoal, let consecutive correct answer! The game will exam fromChinese characters to 80 characters to learn in first grade ofelementary school in Japan. Correct stroke order is the knowledgerequired to write a beautiful 'kanji'. While body hit the wall,let's learn the stroke order of 'kanji'. ・This app is available forfree with sponsor's ad displayed . ・If you don't want the ads, Irecommend the paid version that doesn't display advertising.
STG :Arithmetic Wars [Free] 1.0.4
I want to be able to mental arithmetic! But, difficult, and I hatestudying ... All right! If this app, you can master the mentalarithmetic by shooting. In front of you, the calculation willappear one after another. If you shot the correct calculation, youwill get the score. But, don't worry about such a thing, let'sshoot Bang Bang! Your body will eventually master the correctcalculation. Besides, you can challenge multiplication and additionby 12-levels. Having mental arithmetic, it be useful in school orcompany, and it's cool above all! Come on, playing happily, youalso please master the mental arithmetic! ・This app is availablefor free with sponsor's ad displayed . ・If you don't want the ads,I recommend the paid version that doesn't display advertising.
learn KANJI by Hit for Kids 1.0.4
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
Game to learn the stroke order of 'kanji' while body hit the wall.To see written on the wall that appear in front of the 'kanji', toselect the correct stroke order, let the body hit the plunge! Ifyou select the correct stroke order of 'kanji', the wall can beproceeding to crumbling. On the other hand, if you select thestroke order wrong, the wall is not broken, get hurt. Toward thegoal, let consecutive correct answer! The game will exam fromChinese characters to 80 characters to learn in first grade ofelementary school in Japan. Correct stroke order is the knowledgerequired to write a beautiful 'kanji'. While body hit the wall,let's learn the stroke order of 'kanji'. ・There is also a freeversion by advertising display of sponsors.
Ninja of Korean words 1.0.3
I can not master the Korean yet. Once I know the Korean words, Ifeel that it is easier to learn Korean Language. So, I tried toshooter Korean words! The rule is this. At the bottom of thescreen, the words of sample will pop. Please shot down by tappingthe same words. More and more, while you shoot up, your eyes willmaster the Korean words! I think that I want to master the Koreanin this time! [How to play] · You shoot the Korean words, you get acoin. · Please collect the coin of as much as possible within thetime limit. · If point exceeds a certain number, It is the stageclear ! · Even if you shot a wrong Korean words. It will not thegame over. · However, please be careful in the remaining number ofShuriken. · You can not shoot for a while, when there are noShuriken. · Check out the timing of replenish the Shuriken, it isTips for high score.
Multiplication Crab for Kids 1.0.7
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
second grade my son is not still remembered multiplication table.But, He was spent in grasshopper takes the end of the summervacation. So for him, I made the application of multiplicationanother. This app, should he even be able to truly. Because, thisapp does not ask the answer of multiplication. Answer is written.It is a game to choose whether or incorrect answer is correct. Itis a feeling, such scoring like a teacher. But, it is not a normalscoring. Is a crab. It is delicious that crab. Crab with amultiplication comes flowing. Stick the seal of crab answer If itwere correct. Once you have been able to select the correct answer,you will get the coin. It is a game that looks good of luck. If itis this, should my son can be. Or rather, the answer tomultiplication is written even if he can not. Only not get a coin.Somehow, my son so that you remember the multiplication ...ーーーーーーーーーーーーー It is a game to learn multiplication in the sortingof crab. Please be sorted in a hurry to watch the multiplicationwritten, the crab flowing. The correct answer of the crab, If youseal and sort, you get a coin! Aim for the high score by sortingmore and more! ★This game is all right even if there is not itremember the multiplication! The crab, and answer formula ofmultiplication also is written. Just put a seal by touching thecrabs you think may correct answer. ★After learning themultiplication, you can enjoy more! Can be enjoyed at the stage ofnine different situation crab or was a large amount, or to beupside down. If you have confidence in multiplication is you,please try to play by all means. ・There is also a free version byadvertising display of sponsors.
Memory game:Shampoo? for Kids 1.0.4
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
Have you make a mistake that 'Distinguish the rinse and shampoo'?'the salt and sugar'? In around you, there are a lot of confusingthings. But today, those concerns resolved by ..! PelmanismAPP:Which is shampoo? It will train you to Distinguish! Variousitems in the living scene is in card, now. Card that was inside outwill extend the power to life. Sometime, mother will interfere you.Later, it means to help his brother and father, please remember.For enrich your life: Pelmanism of Lifehack, Which is shampoo?Please try. ・There is also a free version by advertising display ofsponsors.
Slot of Japanese diary[Free] 1.0.4
John has developed a machine that can make diary. However, thismachine, was the slot machine! Words was turned round and round, Idon't know what about of sentences will be. Will Ritsu be able tocreate a diary? ・This app is available for free with sponsor's addisplayed . ・If you don't want the ads, I recommend the paidversion that doesn't display advertising.
Word game:Slot of diary Kids 1.0.4
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
John has developed a machine that can make diary. However, thismachine, was the slot machine! Words was turned round and round, Idon't know what about of sentences will be. Will Ritsu be able tocreate a diary? ・There is also a free version by advertisingdisplay of sponsors.
Safecracker in clock 1.0.9
Game application to learn how to read the analog clock. John inturn, challenge the safecrack! Key to solving the safe containingthe treasure, is the clock. Let's solve to resemble a clock, thedial of the safe. It is a rare treasure in there if you open thesafe by operating the short hand and long hand! Puzzle game tolearn how to read the on analog clock. Please try to play. ・Thisapp is available for free with sponsor's ad displayed . ・If youdon't want the ads, I recommend the paid version that doesn'tdisplay advertising.
Senior couple 1.0.3
The game that a middle age couple aims at the sweet single night.
Number Puzzle Hoppin John Kids 1.0.2
The sequence of numbers is basic to mathematics. This is the numberpuzzle game.
Safecracker in clock for Kids
Game application to learn how to read the analog clock.
Calculator Wars 1.0
This is the Calculator App that has the shooting game!
Calculator Wars for Kids 1.0
This is the Calculator App that has the shooting game! ※Ads Free
exterminate Ghost:Chemical STG 1.0.3
I was not good at the chemical symbol. But, I have to master ,because the chemistry is elective... From the experience, I madethis app! Chemical symbol will appear along with the ghost. It is agame of shooting Bambang it! Please play to game, with don't careabout Miss, then you will master to Chemical symbol! You can playwith specify only about atomic symbol or chemical formula whatlikely to learn in high school! Come on, playing happily, you alsoplease master the chemical symbol! ※ This app is available for freewith sponsor's ad displayed . ※ If you don't want the ads, Irecommend the paid version that doesn't display advertising.
exterminate Ghost for Kids 1.0.3
You can play with specify only about atomic symbol or chemicalformula!
LULU&LOLO's Multiplication 1.1.5
This is the jump game that enable you to master the multiplication!By all means, please use for the education of your child. It is notonly 1 to 9 multiplication. You can also learn difficult math, 11to 19 multiplication. Mastering this is useful for your whole life.Let's challenge ! [ How to play ] ·Jump with the steps that writtennumbered by touch. ·If you choose the wrong answer, you will falldown to under-step. - By all means , if you do not know the answer, to hear your tips in the " grandma " . You tell me gently kit.·But don't worry. It will never be GAME OVER! ·And grandma willtell you the hint gently.
Learn words! Connect Japanese 4.7.2
It's simple puzzle game. The more you play, you will learnJapanese. [How to Play] Connect English to Japanese. Their meaningis close, you get point. You reaches the number of quota within thetime limit, that course is clear! You mistake, you lost heart. Nohearts is game over. Let's enjoy Japanese words.(C)BANDAI/ルルロロプロジェクト
Bear's School English drill 1.2.7
Let's learn English happily with Jackie!
Multiplication Quest Trial 1.1.4
By defeating the enemy with a sword, this is a game app that can beused to learn the multiplication. From among the three answers,because only answer to choose, you can play easily. You can masterthe multiplication while you defeat the monster that appears insequence. Come on, let's starting to Multiplication Quest.
Brain game! Flash juice Kids
This is the flash learning app to train the brain.
Monchhichi's Happy Calculator 1.0
This is the Calculator App of popular character "Monchhichi"!
Map Burger Japan for Kids 1.0.7
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
It is the game app to master the fun outline map of Japan. John'sSpecial burger, why cheese has a form of Japanese prefectures? !When the correct answer to this quiz, hamburger is another servicefrom a manager. Toward the completion of the map of Japan, let'schallenge quiz! ・There is also a free version by advertisingdisplay of sponsors.
Card game for learning Korean! 1.1.6
Come on, let's challenge to the Korean training in the card game!
Noppon Kanji 1.0.1
This is the Kanji quiz app. You can learn about Japanese Kanji!Please enjoy! [How to play] Please support the tourists, answer atheir quiz! Tourists after tourists! Answer a Kanji Quiz, and letbe full of tourists there!
Multiplication Quest 1.1.1
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
By defeating the enemy with a sword, this is a game app that can beused to learn the multiplication. From among the three answers,because only answer to choose, you can play easily. You can masterthe multiplication while you defeat the monster that appears insequence. Come on, let's starting to Multiplication Quest.
Hangul punch for Kids 1.5.3
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
I want to follow the Korean star's tweets! But , I can notunderstand ..Hangul characters . I can not read completely ... Forsuch myself, I made​​! It's "Practice mode " to practice the basicHangul characters one by one. You will master the configuration ofthe Hangul characters by this mode! When you master the structureof a character , you will want to be able to read the word ! Atthat time, please challenge " bout mode" to play against the rival!In the " bout mode " , the words of food relationship will appear.If you do not master reading of a word, you can not win the bout!Now, Let's master the Korean characters in boxing ! Then, I becomea follower of Korean star , I'll catch completely up-to-dateinformation ! < How to Play > Hangul characters are displayedon the screen . Select a hangeul punch. If it is correct , punchwill hit! Great! When wrong in the bout, counter will hit you! Ifyou understand the structure of a character, then you can punch! Doyour best! ーーーーーーーーーーーーー ・There is also a free version byadvertising display of sponsors.
cheese steak of map 1.0.2
This make you want to go America "cheese steak of map" InAmerica,there are a lot of state. Do you know some of the state?New York?California? Anything else? If you know the name andlocation of thestate, you feel close to the U.S.. "Oh, I heard thisplace name!""This place has been spoken in the movie!" Knowing theplace nameis one step to know the culture of the country. I thinkthis isgood for the learning of English. Now, let's master the mapofAmerica! And, let's go to that location actually someday! Notonlyin the story, If you do not stand in the land actually,thereshould be impressed what you do not know! Now, Please gettheAmerica by cheese steak!
Europe Map Toast for Kids 1.0.5
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
Quiz of map and the national flag: Europe Map Toast Do not thinkyouwant to go to Europe at least once? France, Britain, Germany,Italy.... There are various countries. But, I do not know wellthose arein which area, actually. Europe is wide. There may be acountry youwill want to go elsewhere. Well, a little bit, let'sstudy. Do notworry. Cheese toast baked lightly, and put Europe...You can masterthe blank map fun! Europe map becomes the 3 quiz.You just pick it.You remember the countries of Europe by play withease. You canchallenge the region of north, south, east and west,there is also anational flag quiz. You will be Europe Master in notime. The placename of Europe on TV or books, you should feel likethe neighborhoodat all. Come on, learning Europe today, and let'sgo to the Europeto enjoy as soon as possible!
Patchim Training:Learn Korean 3.3.3
You can learn Korean Language in 3 min a day!
Patchim Training Korean 3.2.7
You can learn Korean Language in 3 minutes a day!
Japanese Kana-Dojo 1.2.1
It is the application to learn which base the Japanese, "Hiragana"and "Katakana","Kanji". Kendo is the best way, If you learn theHiragana and Katakana and Kanji! Let's master the Japanesecharacter by hitting it with the bamboo sword! First of all, let'spractice to hit one by one in the training mode. You can do thespecial training about your weak character slowly and carefully inthis mode. When you get self-confidence, next is the kendo game.Word out by opponent is different. You can learn about differentword by each rival. Let's fight carefully! Katakana and Hiragana isthe basic of master the Japanese. When you master Hiragana andKatakana, you will see Japanese. Please enjoy Hiragana andKatakana.
Europe Map Toast 1.0.5
Quiz of map and the national flag: Europe Map Toast Do not thinkyouwant to go to Europe at least once? France, Britain, Germany,Italy.... There are various countries. But, I do not know wellthose arein which area, actually. Europe is wide. There may be acountry youwill want to go elsewhere. Well, a little bit, let'sstudy. Do notworry. Cheese toast baked lightly, and put Europe...You can masterthe blank map fun! Europe map becomes the 3 quiz.You just pick it.You remember the countries of Europe by play withease. You canchallenge the region of north, south, east and west,there is also anational flag quiz. You will be Europe Master in notime. The placename of Europe on TV or books, you should feel likethe neighborhoodat all. Come on, learning Europe today, and let'sgo to the Europeto enjoy as soon as possible!
Fruit of Japanese Kanji 1.0.3
My son will learn more and more new Kanji(Chinese characters)inelementary school . It is very hard to children. " I do notknowKanji ... " " I am good at math ... " " I want to play outside..." My son also say such a thing . So , I made this app forchildren!It is game of picking fruit. The game enables children tomasterthe Kanji(Chinese character) imperceptibly! This is How toplay .There is tree of persimmon. The Persimmon has a "Kanji". Andthereis a basket under the tree, it has "Read" . Please find andpickthe persimmon that match to "Read". And , let's drop it intothebasket ! If "Kanji" and "Read" is correctly match, it is asuccess!It is the game to challenge the get number of fruit inlimitedtime. Even if you do not understand Kanji, do not care ,pleasepick more and more persimmons . Among them , you can mastertheChinese characters little by little ! If persimmon does notenterthe basket , and even "Kanji" was correct, it is miss. Becauseyoumust have also technique of dropping ! Please let childrenplaythis game! So if they master even one kanji, it is thewonderful!!※ This App's Kanji is 1st-2nd grade at elementary schoolin japan.※ I will increase number of Kanji at the update.
BBQ Puzzle of Korean Words 4.5.4
This is the Puzzle game of learning Korean words!
Division Math Learning of Gold 1.1.3
But, if this "division of Gold", they will master the division fun!
Multiplication Crab [Free] 1.0.7
second grade my son is not still remembered multiplicationtable.But, He was spent in grasshopper takes the end of thesummervacation. So for him, I made the application ofmultiplicationanother. This app, should he even be able to truly.Because, thisapp does not ask the answer of multiplication. Answeris written.It is a game to choose whether or incorrect answer iscorrect. Itis a feeling, such scoring like a teacher. But, it isnot a normalscoring. Is a crab. It is delicious that crab. Crabwith amultiplication comes flowing. Stick the seal of crab answerIf itwere correct. Once you have been able to select the correctanswer,you will get the coin. It is a game that looks good of luck.If itis this, should my son can be. Or rather, the answertomultiplication is written even if he can not. Only not get acoin.Somehow, my son so that you remember the multiplication...ーーーーーーーーーーーーー It is a game to learn multiplication in thesortingof crab. Please be sorted in a hurry to watch themultiplicationwritten, the crab flowing. The correct answer of thecrab, If youseal and sort, you get a coin! Aim for the high scoreby sortingmore and more! ★This game is all right even if there isnot itremember the multiplication! The crab, and answer formulaofmultiplication also is written. Just put a seal by touchingthecrabs you think may correct answer. ★After learningthemultiplication, you can enjoy more! Can be enjoyed at the stageofnine different situation crab or was a large amount, or tobeupside down. If you have confidence in multiplication isyou,please try to play by all means. ・This app is available forfreewith sponsor's ad displayed . ・If you don't want the ads,Irecommend the paid version that doesn't display advertising.
Japanese Kana-Dojo for Kids 1.1.9
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
It is an application to learn which base the Japanese,"Hiragana"and "Katakana", "Kanji". Kendo is the best way, If youlearn theHiragana and Katakana and Kanji! Let's master theJapanesecharacter by hitting it with the bamboo sword! First ofall, let'spractice to hit one by one in the training mode. You cando thespecial training about your weak character slowly andcarefully inthis mode. When you get self-confidence, next is thekendo game.Word out by opponent is different. You can learn aboutdifferentword by each rival. Let's fight carefully! Katakana andHiragana isthe basic of master the Japanese. When you masterHiragana andKatakana, you will see Japanese. Please enjoy HiraganaandKatakana.
Number Puzzle! Hopping John 1.0.2
The sequence of numbers is basic to mathematics. This is thepuzzlegame to learn sequence of numbers with having fun. The gamehas aquestion of multiplication and puzzle questions, such as alittledifficult question even in adults. This game can be playedandenjoyed even by people who are not good with Math. Story: Youarethe explorer dog to treasure hunt, "Indiana John"! You came tothecave to collect the crystal. However, witch cat "Hana" livinginthe cave, she blocks the way. Hana changed scaffold to numberofquiz! Can you solve this number quiz, and collect the treasure!?
National Flag Invader 1.0
This is the game that connect Flag and Country name. And this Appisfor beginner of learning national flag! Please try this!
Frago:Let's learn French Kids! 1.0.2
Hikari Nakashima(中島光)
This is the learning French app that make you to master Frenchwordsand grammar, pronunciation! I recommend for beginners!Because it issimple quiz style app. I want to go to France! Vastlandscape, a lotof people, delicious cuisine. Once I want to seeFrance in my eyes.To do this, I must master the French Language!!I tried to make thisfor me. If you are interested in this app,please try! [How to Play]- Difficulty of the questions is 3stages. - Please select thequestion level you want to play. -Please touch an answer toquestions. - 12 questions in one play,will appear on the exam. -When you touch a word, simple meaningand reading it will bedisplayed.
Train your brain!Flash juice 1.0.2
This is the flash learning app to train the brain. It istheeducational app to train the judgment and memory by showingthenumber of dots at short intervals. After learning,you can makeajuice, it will promote you to repeat training. ◆ Recommendedforeducational materials! Flash learning! - Dotted cards willappearone after another, please answer that number. - Let'strainingrepeat, until you can count dots in a moment. - You canlearnnumbers and dots together. ◆ Let's make the juice afterstudying! -After learning, you can make a juice as reward. - Putthe fruit tothe mixer.Please give juice to cats. ◆ Various modesfor play along time! - You can learn step-by-step and ... 10, 20,30. - Stampwill be gathered by each learning. It will encourage youtocontinue. Please try the Flash learning! It will pull out thepowerof your brain!
Learning English App! FLOPPO 1.2.7
This is the app to study English. It is for Japanese student.・Youcan learn English grammar of Japanese junior high school. ・TheApphas 6,000 questions. ・It is able to listen the pronunciationofsentence. This app is available for free with sponsor'sAddisplayed.
Map Burger Japan 1.0.9
It is the game app to master the fun outline map of Japan.John'sSpecial burger, why cheese has a form of Japaneseprefectures? !When the correct answer to this quiz, hamburger isanother servicefrom a manager. Toward the completion of the map ofJapan, let'schallenge quiz! ・This app is available for free withsponsor's addisplayed . ・If you don't want the ads, I recommend thepaidversion that doesn't display advertising.
The puzzle game makes you to master Japanese Kanji. Let's makeKanjiby tracing with Dragon's order! How to play: · Please makekanji bytracing pieces of hiragana, that Dragon has ordered. · Ifcorrect,dragon will eat one dish. · You can replace by tapping ahiragana.